About Drugs for Hair Loss

Drugs for Hair Loss

There are various drugs for hair loss. Some of the drugs can cause severe side effects such as impotence in men, headaches, dizziness, skin rash, swelling, weakness, breast pain, vomiting etc. We understand that hair loss is very distressing, and people are ready to take anything to restore the hair and have the hair growing back again. However, there are natural compounds and products available that have helped people to restore their hair without any of the side effects and we intend to educate about these plant-based remedies.

About company

We at Mark Birch commit ourselves for sustainable business approach, transparency, quality and professionalism in every single product we create and design and in any aspects of our clinical work.

our products

The Mark Birch extensive line of products, reconditioning and restoration formulas work to treat the cause of degenerative hair condition problems rather than the symptoms.

Hair & Scalp Care

Today’s hectic lifestyle can impact our hair and scalp health by many different factors: lifestyle, work, stress, pollution, poor diet, lack of exercise, following a bad hair care regime by using junk hair cosmetics just to mention a few.